Welcome to The Warehouse 

Wing Chun is a a combat system that uses a structural study of body mechanics to generate strength, power and stability in a simple efficient & economical motion. It's been around for a long time but has a bad rep of flapping your hands about to no end. 

Believe it or not Wing Chun does have practicalities of developing stand up, grappling, take downs and defences, throws, chokes and choke defences, sweeps from standing or on the ground and sensitivity drills which the system does cover.

There's a crossover between all styles of fighting it's just about seeing it and putting it together which we try to do. Example would be huen sau is the same as pummeling in wrestling or judo. Amongst many other uses.

We do also do alot of punching on pads and other drills to keep your nuerons firing and keep your reflexes sharp. 

A blueprint that has been handed down in all fighting styles and some might have got lost in translation. No science/art of fighting is magic and it's not like in the movies, however it's for you to be able to critically think, accept what you like, make up your mind to see what does and doesn't work for you.

There are no Si fu's, Professors, masters, belts or gradings as this can impacts one ego and create a false sense of security. It's you against you. So if you want to be more self aware this is for you.  

Sun Tzsu wrote 'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.'

Wing Chun 

If you would like to practice Wing Chun, you are more than welcome to get in touch to book an appointment. 

                  Monday 10am - 12pm

      Tuesday 10am - 12pm and 7pm to 9pm

                  Wednesday 10am - 12pm 

    Thursday 10am - 12pm and 7pm to 9pm 


Lineage:- Ip Man - Wong Shun Leung - Nino Bernardo - Guy Cofie - 

In 1984, Nino set up an infamous word-of-mouth kung fu school in London called the Basement. 

Guy Cofie studied Wing Chun since 1984.

The Warehouse opened in 2004, one of very few full time Wing Chun schools in the UK.

The Warehouse has continuously been sharing knowledge of Structral tactical and theoretical Wing Chun to those who are wanting to learn. 

Raf who studied Wing Chun with Guy since 2011 and is a qualified fitness instructor since 2014, still practices and studies Wing Chun at The Warehouse and also provides Functional Fitness training sessions in a group and private.